Crisis Management

Our Crisis Management Capability

Our Crisis Management function provides timely advice to your business to help you manage your reputational risks and crises, and help you manage event-based and issue-based crisis events.

Event-based crises may include a terrorist attack, natural disasters or significant business disruption events. Issue-based crises are slow-burn issues that have not been appropriately mitigated and that can turn into a crisis; examples include financial mismanagement, regulatory non-compliance, corporate scandal or unethical behaviour.

Regardless of the event or issue, our experts can assist your business prepare for, respond to and recover from a variety of adverse scenarios. They can also assist you in identifying your risks; developing frameworks and policies; and creating plans, strategies and a robust response capability through exercise simulations, training and awareness programs.

Our trusted advisers don’t play corporate politics or engage in point-scoring activities. Rather, we are unbiased and support you to make sound short-term and longer-term decisions during a crisis.

We understand that preparation before a crisis is critical to success. We will help you build confidence in your plans and team cohesion, strengthen and enhance your operating rhythm, and prepare for potential scenarios that your organisation may face. To do this we conduct training and awareness sessions and event- or issue-based exercise simulations.

We understand that during times of crisis, the demands on people, the business and stakeholders can be significant; as such, we can assist you through war room coordination and with crisis leadership.

We hope that a crisis doesn’t impact your organisation, but look forward to working with you to build strong design and operating effectiveness should an event- or issue-based crisis impact your organisation.

What We Specialise In

Our specialists offer the following products and services:

Crisis Management Framework Development
Crisis Management
Crisis Management – Specific Scenario – Quick Reference Guides
Crisis Communications Plan – Quick Reference Guide
Team Training and Awareness
On-Call Crisis Retainer
Crisis War Room Coordination
Crisis Gap Analysis and Capability Assessment
Crisis Exercise Simulations (Foundation; Intermediate; Complex)
Crisis Management Managed Service

How Can We Help?

Please contact us for more information or if you would like to arrange an engagement scoping meeting.